The final stage of cast preparation by ALU-MET is powder coating that we carry out with the use of automated machines ensuring the highest durability of the coating and proper aesthetic values.
Our powder coating room is fully equipped, that is why it enables us to carry out the whole process with an exceptional precision. Their operation is ensured by a qualified, experienced staff who takes care of each detail, as well as of efficient protection of surfaces subjected to coating. As a result, the casts are immediately ready for use.
Serial coating and coating made to an individual order
We realise perfectly that powder coating is a complicated process that requires the exclusive use of the best tools and products. Therefore, we put a special emphasis on reliability of execution of each phase of the coating.
At the beginning, we prepare the surface of the cast. We use special chemical substances serving for degreasing. All of this to ensure that the applied coat adheres perfectly to the surface. We only use paints of leading manufacturers in shades from the complete RAL palette.
The paint in the form of the powder is applied using electrostatic or electrokinetic spray method. The applied coating not only looks good, but it is also resistant to corrosion, impact of various chemicals and mechanical damage. What is also important, we guarantee a high thermal resistance of the coating, thanks to which it can be subjected to temperatures reaching even up to 100 degree Celsius.
Depending on the specificity of your order, as well as individual needs of our Clients, we carry out:
- Coating made to an individual order – we work on single pieces and on the basis of every, even the most atypical project. We secure our coatings in such a way as to ensure their durability for a very long time,
- Serial coating of the casts – we encourage you to place even the most numerous orders. In each case, we offer short lead times and competitive prices. We are committed to meet all expectations imposed by our Clients.
Advantageous cooperation
Our own powder coating room gives us a great freedom of action, since we are not dependent on external subcontractors. We are able to carry out the whole process of cast adjustment all by ourselves respecting the crucial standards.
Powder coating in our company is carried out on components of different weight and sizes. We can adapt ourselves to the Client’s needs also in terms of paints being used. This applies not only to their colour, but also to the effect that they allow to obtain. We prepare both smooth surfaces and uneven or bubble-like structures. In addition, you have a possibility to choose finishing and potential embellishments. Regardless of specificity of the order and casts, we guarantee the choice of a method that will ensure a high durability and resistance of the coating.
It is worth trusting us, since we are a company created by experienced specialists. We kindly encourage you to learn more about our offer and to contact us by phone or by e-mail.